- Netflix app windows 8 installieren

- Netflix app windows 8 installieren

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Netflix app windows 8 installieren 


Netflix app for Windows 8 officially available in the Windows Store - The Verge.Download Netflix for PC (Windows 10,8,7) - AppsForWindowsPC

  Version Works under: Windows Also available for Android. Program available in English. Program by Netflix. Review. Screenshots. Comments. Watch your favorite films and television shows right on your computer with the newest Netflix app download. Feb 20,  · The app lets you watch any of the service’s movies and episodes right on your computer. Thousands of titles and new content added on a regular basis are at your disposal. You can even search and watch Netflix content on your phone and a variety of devices. Netflix also has a built-in rating system so you can rate any show or movie you watch. Nov 10,  · Netflix Inc. Version: Download Freeware. Windows 8 Windows 10 - Deutsch. Andere Systeme. Netflix für Windows ist die Desktop-App von Netflix, mit der Sie Ihre Netflix-Filme und -Serien in bester Qualität auf dem PC genießen und Ihr Streaming-Abo verwalten können. Die Navigation ist sehr einfach und erfolgt mittels Pfeiltasten.    


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